dance INTO your dream life - it wants you just as much as you want it! 

your life gets to be pure magic and it’s time to start embodying that. 

If you’re wondering how to even embody this sunset, unicorn, beachy magic, you need to look no further.

Tell me More

Inside this membership you will learn the very magic that I use myself to manifest whatever I want and the best part is that this will be in an expansive, supportive, high vibe and FUN community.

I’m zoë, the founder of zoë magnetic and I think you’re here for a reason. I invite you to explore the zoë magnetic universe and let your intuition decide if this is where you’re meant to be. 

Let’s not forget - it’s called a dream life because it’s dreamy. Your life gets to be too.


a monthly subscription membership where all of your manifestation dreams can finally be brought to life

Who is this for?

✓ wants to be LIVING her vision board (not just looking at it on her phone background)

✓ is ready to do the deep work to call in shifts that will turn her into the magnet for anything/everything she wants

✓ is tired of having to be “high vibe” all the time to get what she wants, or is tired of having to “make time” for her rituals - she’d rather have a community who does that for/with her!

✓wants to know my signature manifestation formula I’ve used to make my vision board my reality including: luxury travel, living in my dream beach loft in Australia, tripling my income in 3 months and more!

✓ Deeply desires the feeling of being in a supportive community with people who see your “crazy” dream as not only totally possible but INEVITABLE (no one is going to tell you that your dream is “unrealistic” over here 😉)

Yes, this is me!!!

This membership is for the girlie who:

What's Included With Your Membership

1x monthly connection call

Have you ever had a burning question about manifestation, self-love, detachment, embodiment but you can’t just google it because you want guidance and support based off of your specific situation? Yeah… this is where you get that.

These 60 minute LIVE hot-seat coaching calls are where you can either ask for guidance or share something that is coming up for you and you will be granted the opportunity to be heard AND helped. If you can’t make it live, you will be able to submit questions ahead of time and I will answer them on the call for you to catch in the replay*!

Weekly embodiment calls

These calls are about doing, being and EMBODYING. If you have been struggling to show up for yourself, these calls are the perfect place to help you build accountability and self trust. And the best way to do that is TOGETHER in a supportive, high vibe community.

We meet every Monday 9:00am AEST (Sunday at 7:00pm EST) for 30 minutes. Block it off in your calendar! These calls give you a time where you KNOW you are going to show up for yourself.

1 x monthly magnetize session

These themed 60 minute workshops* will cover various topics related to manifestation, embodiment, self-love and more. In a magnetize session, we are connecting with the most magical part of yourself - and this is KEY because SHE (aka your higher self) is who makes your dream life a reality.

You can expect deep reflection questions that help us get to the root of what may be causing your manifestation blocks and nervous system regulation practices that create the safety and self-trust to actually make the big shifts you’re trying to make.
Each month brings a new, exciting and expansive theme!

*All recordings are shared in your Kajabi library when you become a member and you can watch the replays anytime.

Plus... these bonuses!

Make Your Life Magic

People have been asking me for years how I seem to manifest whatever I want and more with so much ease. It’s probably the question I am asked the most! Which is why I’ve created a mini course on my specific approach to manifesting!

You get instant access to this course upon joining and I go in depth on how to go from sometimes getting half of what you want - to creating your dream life with intention and ease.

The Treasure Trove 

Make Your Life Magic
The Treasure Trove 

Meditations, visualizations, NSR practices, journaling prompts and more will be waiting for you inside your member portal the moment you sign up.

 Manifestation is more than just slapping 5 photos of things you want on a random vision board and these tools are here to help you with just that. They will expand you and your entire being.

A sought-after Manifestation mini course

Resources to help support you outside of our live calls

Sign me up Now!!

Here's What You'll Gain From This Community

Major transformations + Uplevels

Be a part of the small percentage of people who actually understand manifestation and use it shamelessly to get whatever you want.

The feeling of being in flow vs having a death grip

I’ll teach you how to have unwavering faith and self-trust so you can EMBODY the person who lives the life you can’t stop dreaming about!

Deep peace and BELIEF

Knowing that everything is happening FOR you and that you either make the right decision that gets you what you want OR gets you on the path towards something better.

Main Character Energy

Reclaim your open hearted, vibrant, confident self and expand your vision to see everything for what it is: MAGIC. Being a part of this membership will dissolve any past doubts you had and turn them into pure joy + excitement KNOWING it’s always this or something better.

The superpower of getting whatever you want

The more in proximity you are to what you are calling in, the more you manifest (and the easier you do it)! This membership does exactly that: puts you in constant proximity! To the people, tools, ideology and energy required to be a constant magnet for whatever you want.

The freedom to feel your fricken feels

Being a member of the zoë magnetic universe will help you release the worry that your bad days are going to completely derail your manifestations. I’ll show you how they are actually one of the keys to getting whatever you want!

Remember little you who thought everything was possible and was able to imagine the most magical things for themself with excitement, wonder and curiosity?

THAT’S what we are reclaiming and we are having FUN doing it. 

I want to join!

Meet Zoë

Being able to manifest whatever you want with ease is like having the ultimate cheat code for life… except you aren’t even cheating! I often think to myself how incredibly wonderful and ridiculous it is that I’ve cracked that exact cheat code which has granted me with sunset chasing, barbie dream beach loft living MANIFESTING super powers. These are the same superpowers that I want to teach YOU.

Something about me is that I genuinely believe that every single thing works out for me. 

This mindset is MAGNETIC. It has allowed me to manifest feeling happy with who I am, starting zoë magnetic, dream clients wanting to work with me, flying business class, buying my first designer bag and, one of my personal favourites, moving to Sydney, Australia, my favourite city in the world and living TWO MINUTES (walking) to not just any beach… but Bondi beach baby!!

Talk about dream life…

I get to do what I love every day, impacting the lives of all of my clients and teaching the world about manifestation while living in my Barbie dream beach loft. I create my own schedule. I walk on the beach and swim in the ocean every single day. I have beautiful relationships in my life where I am safe to authentically express myself (which is great because I am SUCH a crier).  

The best part about all of this, however, is that it truly makes me glow being able to tell you about all of the magic that I’ve manifested because I know that me being able to turn my vision board into my reality means that I am also showing YOU what is possible for YOUR LIFE, just as many of my favourite mentors have shown me what is possible for my life! Is that the most magical domino effect ever?! I think it might be.

Living my best Bondi Beach Life

If you’re like me and you want to know a few things about who you’ll even be working with, look no further! Here are some… fun facts let’s call them about yours truly:

OKAY, who even is zoë?! 

I may be the most hydrated person in the world and that is entirely because I drink HOT water ALL DAY EVERY DAY. Yes, HOT water. Yes, ALL day. Yes, EVERY day. I even have what I call my emotional support thermos that I bring to yoga classes or the beach. 

I am not only a very spicy Sagittarius, but I may as well be the spokeswoman for being a Sag as I *highly* (and I mean *HIGHLY*) resonate with being a Sagittarius 

On that note, I loooooove to travel! So far I have been to 31 countries across 5 continents and counting. 

I am a mermaid. I love everything about the ocean and the beach. Yes, even the sand. Yes, even getting tossed around by huge crashing waves. Maybe this is why I became licensed as a scuba diver… 

I love learning about maps and geography and it’s pretty on brand for me to take random “countries of the world” quizzes. I can name about 150 countries in the world (out of 195) off the top of my head. We’re still working on the last 45 being stamped permanently into my memory. 

I got stung by 3 jellyfish while the photos on this very page were being taken (you might even be able to see the sting marks on my legs in some of the photos if you look closely!)

I am the oldest sibling out of eight siblings in a very blended family!

I am a registered psychotherapist with my Masters degree in counselling psychology

I am a manifesting generator who is very multi-passionate! If you couldn’t already tell...

I also have 5 tattoos! Can you guess where?
Sagittarius sun, Scorpio moon & Virgo rising

Enough about me! This membership is about YOU!

Inside the zoë magnetic universe, it is my honour to teach you how to manifest your deepest desires, no matter how big they might be, from a place of genuine self-love and self-trust.

If you desire it, it is possible for you.

This membership creates the space for you to actually call in what you are manifesting while simultaneously prioritizing yourself and embodying the person you need to be who has whatever she wants. 


Join the zoë magnetic universe

ZMU Membership

Oh, so you want to get serious about manifesting your dream life? You’re in the exact right place - how’s that for divine timing? Within the magnetic tier of the zoë magnetic universe, we take manifestation and embodiment to an entirely new level. Consider this your one stop shop for a well-rounded manifestation education!

Each month, we will explore a different theme so that we can deepen our knowledge and practice of manifestation. It is only within this tier that you will have the opportunity to have custom support where I answer any burning question you have that might be specific to your own manifestation journey during our monthly connection call. The value speaks for itself! 

Included with this tier:

✓ Weekly Embodiment Call (replays uploaded to your Kajabi portal for you to use whenever you please)
✓ Make Your Life Magic Mini Course (manifestation basics)
✓ 1 x 60 minute connection call (with LIVE hot seat coaching!)
✓ 1 x 60 minute themed magnetize session
✓ The Treasure Trove - additional resources for you to use outside of our live calls to support you with all of your manifesting needs (mediations, visualizations, NSR practices, journaling prompts and MORE)
✓ additional surprises + delights

Join now

$88.88 CAD per month

Select your tier, provide your info and once payment is complete, VOILA, welcome to the zoë magnetic universe. The membership doors open on May 1st and our first embodiment call is on Monday May 6th at 9:00am Sydney time (Sunday May 5th at 7:00pm EST). The Embodiment Calls remain the same each week/month! Call times for magnetize sessions and connection calls in the Magnetic Tier will change each month! 

Mark Your Calendars!

May 1st, 2024

The zoë universe membership is officially open! 

Starting May 6th

Embodiment calls are every Sunday at 7:00pm EST or Monday at 9:00am AEST

May’s Magnetize Session

Thursday May 16th at 6:30am Sydney time (Wednesday May 15th at 4:30pm EST)

May’s Connection Call

Tuesday May 21st at 8:00am Sydney time (Monday May 20th at 6:00pm EST)

Got questions? I’ve got your answers!

This is a manifestation community with different membership components, such as live calls, group coaching, additional resources and a forum to post within the community as you please! 

The live calls fall into different categories of embodiment calls, magnetize sessions or connection calls. You can read about each of these here.

The weekly embodiment calls are at the same time every week so you know exactly when you are carving time out to EMBODY the version of you who lives her dream life. These calls take place at 9:00am AEST every Monday (that is 7:00pm EST every Sunday with the time zone change). If you ever need any help figuring out what time the calls are at in your time zone, just send me a message and I will get you sorted 🙂

The monthly magnetize session and connection call are scheduled at different times on a monthly basis and the schedule will be released before the beginning of each month so you know when to block off time to attend live! 

Attending live puts you in proximity to me, your dreams, a like minded community and is SO powerful! On live calls, you can utilize the chat to share things that come up and connect with people who very well may become your new best friend. I am a very energetically sensitive person as well so as I lead the calls, I can adjust the material based on how everyone who attends live is feeling as needed. 

On that note…

Not to worry! Every call is recorded and will be uploaded to your Kajabi portal for you to view when you ARE able to make time that week. If you have a burning question that you’d like to be addressed, you can submit it and I will answer it during the live call so that you still feel supported. 

Although attending live has a very special energy, I can assure you that the replays are JUST as powerful! The best part is that you can also go back and re-watch replays to see what else comes up for you at a later date. SO MUCH VALUE. 

I have a secret for you: whether you realize it or not, you are ALWAYS manifesting. So before you label yourself a beginner, ask yourself about your current reality. You’ve been manifesting it! Pretty cool eh? 

This membership is for any person who wishes to commit themselves to their manifestation super powers. You can do this if you are just learning to become more intentional with your super powers or if you have known about manifestation your entire life! You are safe and welcome here!

Within the zoë magnetic universe, you have TONS of additional support and resources including the community forum where you can share about your successes and ask questions to the community. There is also The Treasure Trove, a literal treasure trove of juicy resources (meditations, visualizations etc) just waiting for you to soak them up. With each passing month, every call will be uploaded to Kajabi for you to watch and re-watch however many times you please! 

As a Sagittarius, I LOVE surprises so please be open about any potential surprises and delights that may pop up throughout the membership from time to time!

Ready to live out your dream life?

ZMU Membership


✓ Weekly Embodiment Call (replays uploaded to your Kajabi portal for you to use whenever you please)
✓ Make Your Life Magic Mini Course (manifestation basics)
✓ 1 x 60 minute connection call (with LIVE hot seat coaching!)
✓ 1 x 60 minute themed magnetize session
✓ The Treasure Trove - additional resources for you to use outside of our live calls to support you with all of your manifesting needs (mediations, visualizations, NSR practices, journaling prompts and MORE)
✓ additional surprises + delights

Join now

Join the zoë magnetic universe today to get started!

$88.88 CAD