

it’s time to REKINDLE your relationship with yourself because you deserve unconditional self-love

The type of self-love that leads you to believe you are WORTHY of running TOWARD every juicy, “too good to be true” daydream that crosses your mind. The type of love where it simply makes sense to take BIG, radical action because quite frankly, you just *want* to and you CAN with a regulated nervous system and immense trust in yourself.

Tell me More

You’ve probably tried ALL the freebies, webinars, podcasts, self-help books, IG content, etc. I know the vibe because in the beginning of my journey I was attending something like 16 free webinars every month). I’ve definitely been where you are. 

You crave that deep connection with yourself but for some reason, you just can’t take action and you feel stuck, unable to:

  • Set boundaries and say no - even when your gut is begging you to 
  • Stop comparing your journey to everyone else’s - asking “why can’t I just have that easy success” and “what’s wrong with me to not have it”
  • Free yourself from the thoughts like “I should be doing more” “why am I so dumb” and “nothing is ever going to change for me”
  • Convince yourself that your dream life is even possible because it feels so far from the truth of your reality
  • Picture a life where you aren’t constantly bashing yourself and sarcastically making fun of yourself to make others laugh
  • Figure out where to go from here, overwhelmed with all the information and hacks out there that you could take

I know how freaking UNCOMFORTABLE and ICKY it feels to hit a wall in your life where you have tons of free advice but no real guidance or accountability on HOW to make changes in your life that LAST which is WHY I created my signature program, REKINDLE. 


Imagine going from: 

Constantly breaking promises you make to yourself, whether it’s “I’ll start on Monday” or “I’ll eat healthier tomorrow” or “I’ll actually workout in the morning” 

Rebuilding trust with yourself through keeping one small promise every day so you become someone you can trust again

Being your own worst critic, having such negative self-talk it borders on bullying yourself, and cringing anytime you do something “embarrassing”

Becoming your number one fan, always speaking kindly to and about yourself and feeling empowered to express yourself authentically 

Hating your day to day life and, even worse, judging yourself for getting yourself into this situation to begin with

Making peace with your past, learning to take personal responsibility in a way that feels empowering, and truly living in the present

Experiencing physical symptoms of anxiety, having trouble sleeping and being stuck in a state of fight, flight, freeze

Learning how to regulate your nervous system and restoring peace to your body and mind

If any of the above sounds just like your CURRENT SELF…

What if I told you that there is a way to let all of that go? 

✓ To regulate your nervous system

✓ To learn the art of self-acceptance while still striving for the life you desire

✓ To have self-trust that is bullet-proof and delivers you results

✓And to finally experience what UNconditional self-love is. 

I want this!!!


And where you are not only allowed to exists as your true, authentic, silly self, quirks and all, but you are CELEBRATED for doing so

"zoë is honestly the first place I think to go."

It truly is a game changer to have someone in your corner who hypes you up, but ALSO supports you to see your blind spots lovingly. When I need a nudge to step back into my power, take some initiative, or trust & surrender the universes plan for me, zoë is honestly the first place I think to go.

- Shannon

REKINDLE is the program for the woman who is finally ready to COMMIT to her healing, her self-love, and herself in general. 

This program isn’t for staying on the sideline of your life, but rather, it’s about choosing to come to terms with your current situation and deciding that you are going to create a new reality for yourself. 

It’s deciding that you want to become someone that when you say you’re going to do something for yourself, even if it’s hard and there is SO much resistance, you already know you’re going to do it because you trust yourself. 

It’s deciding that you no longer tolerate the way you speak to and about yourself
It’s deciding that you’re done feeling like a prisoner in your own body, over-reacting to every single thing that triggers you, leaving you with regret and so much self-judgement. 

This is what I want!!

Introducing the zoë magnetic Coaching Method

One thing about me: I LOVE spas. In particular, I love Scandinavian spas that offer something called the Nordic tradition where you go through thermal cycles to achieve peak benefits. This is actually what I have based the zoë magnetic coaching method off of! 

Where the thermal cycle follows the hot → cold → relax → repeat methodology to achieve peak benefits, the zoë magnetic coaching method follows the infuse → immerse → restore → repeat methodology, also to achieve peak results in nervous system regulation, self-love, self-acceptance, and self-trust. This is the method that I use in my work with all of my clients because it is SO effective.  

Step one: Infuse

The INFUSE stage is where it all begins. Similar to how the warmth of a cedar-scented sauna leaves you feeling warm, cozy, and wanting more, we are going to use the warmth of the motivation that you have to make changes as a starting point to dive into your “why”. This is where we uncover where you are currently at, create directional goals for yourself, and provide the foundation of the program to ensure your success.

Step Two: Immerse

Next, we have the IMMERSE stage, which is where we take the plunge into the icy discomfort of where you are currently. This stage brings with it the uncomfortable parts of change and growth. You can expect resistance to show up at this stage, but thankfully, you will also have a lot of support. This is a necessary step for true expansion to take place and it is in the IMMERSE stage that I often see a lot of breakthroughs with clients. 

Step Three: Restore

We will then head into the RESTORE stage. Imagine yourself relaxing at the spa, after being warmed up in the eucalyptus steam room, followed by a crisp dip in the cold plunge. You have now snuggled yourself in a day bed next to a crackling fireplace. You feel the sensations of intense relaxation and rejuvenation start to settle in. We recreate these sensations in the RESTORE stage of the zoë magnetic coaching method. It is in this stage where we take intentional time to deeply reflect on everything you’ve just experienced and what has been uncovered in the INFUSE and IMMERSE stages. Reflection is the key component of the RESTORE stage since it invites us to understand where we have just come from and where we are headed. We can see where shifts have already started to take place while paving the way for our next deep dives. 

Step Four: Repeat

Finally, we REPEAT the whole thing. You don’t just leave the spa after one thermal cycle! In the zoë magnetic coaching method, we continue this process, repeating stages several times. This allows us to continue to release patterns that are no longer serving you as we dive deeper and build upon the shifts that have already started to take place for you. It is through repetition that we ensure your new habits are sustainable and that embodying your new identity - one where unwavering self-love is the norm - feels safe and expansive. 






2 weeks to free yourself from survival mode and hit your nervous system’s reset button

Trying to heal your relationship with yourself without first regulating your nervous system is like trying to fly a kite with no wind - at the end of it your arm is just really tired but you didn’t actually do anything. We regulate our nervous system first so that everything we add on from here becomes 2-3xs easier. 


December 4-17


December 18-31


Jan 8-21


Jan 22- Feb 4


Jan 1-7

2 weeks to make peace with the path that lead you here

There’s a part of you that’s really pissed off and disappointed with how you “let yourself get here.” We will not only turn that disappointment into celebration, but we will dive deep into inner child work to realise that embracing where we are right now doesn’t have to mean we’re not going anywhere - it actually helps you get there faster.


December 4-17


December 18-31


Jan 1-7


Jan 8-21


Jan 22- Feb 4

1 week to catch up on previous modules and create space for what’s to come

This is the week where we reconnect with your why, celebrate your progress, and set new goals - and what a perfect time to do it! We will still have our weekly implementation calls this week, but there won’t be any new material dropping.


December 4-17


December 18-31


Jan 8-21


Jan 22- Feb 4


Jan 1-7

2 weeks to actually DO what you said you were going to

If you have a friend who tells you that they’re going to do something and they don’t over and over again… you’re probably going to have trust issues with them. It’s likely that’s how you see yourself right now - incapable of following through on things you really care about. So in this module we will go IN on rebuilding that relationship and enact the “follow through framework” so you can finally keep those promises to yourself.


December 4-17


December 18-31


Jan 8-21


Jan 22- Feb 4


Jan 1-7

2 weeks to go from “I will love myself when…” to “I love myself now”

This last module is *chefs kiss* because we will be diving IN on the subconscious reprogramming to shift from conditional to unconditional love. A lot of the times when we are manifesting, we don’t believe we are WORTHY of the manifestation itself so “it’s me, hi - I’m the problem it’s me” is truly the vibe and in these weeks we’re going to free you from that so allllll the magic can flood in. 

“She has helped me grow my self-love to a place I never thought I’d reach”

Zoë blows my mind every single day! From the moment I met her, she quickly became a shining light in my life. She is hard-working, dedicated and provides insight to my life’s hurdles and problems that not only get me thinking but I am able to persevere and grow with her by my side. Zoë is in my corner and has helped me grow my self-love to a place I never thought I’d reach. She is incredible at what she does and if you want someone who actually cares about you, to be there for you and help you grow she is your go-to girl. I’m so lucky that the universe brought her into my life. I will continue to recommend Zoë and her work to everyone and anyone who will listen!


“Zoë's guidance and support has led me to living my best life!”

If you are looking for someone who has a wealth of knowledge and skills, this is your girll! Speaking from experience, Zoë is a kind, empathetic, compassionate and genuine individual who has the most authentic passion for helping others. I continue to learn from her daily and my life has truthfully changed by having her in it. I have never fully valued self-love or built confidence to this extent in my life and I know Zoë's guidance and support has led me to living my best life. I’m excited to see what the future has in store and I cannot wait to continue learning from her.


“I would highly recommend Zoë to anyone looking for guidance, advice and ways to get more out of life!”

Zoë’s positive energy & views have had a huge impact on my life. When I find myself stressing about my future, any big decisions I need to make, general anxiety etc. I reflect on the advice she has given me in the past. I’m constantly learning new problem solving & manifesting techniques from her that can very easily be used in my every day life.

I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for guidance, advice and ways to get more out of life!


“Zoë is also honest and firm on ensuring that you remain authentic to your true self and stick to your values”

I can say with certainty that Zoë is the person I go to when I need support or a confidant. After talking with Zoe is it clear that she has a natural gift of making you feel heard and important all while also providing support and sound advice. Her compassionate and empathetic nature are innate, something I believe is crucial when it comes to helping others. Although she radiates kindness, Zoë is also honest and firm on ensuring that you remain authentic to your true self and stick to your values.
Recently completing her master's in counselling psychology, she is a certified Psychotherapist but having her professional designation isn't the end for her because Zoë is a lifelong learner and continually pushes herself to flourish personally and professionally, through self-work and continued education.


What's Included + Bonuses

8 Pre-Recorded Q&A Sessions (1 per Module)

8 pre-recorded trainings (2 per module)

Lifetime access to the course content and ANY updates made! 

9 weeks FREE access to the Embodied Tier in my membership, the zoë magnetic universe, with LIVE WEEKLY embodiment calls for accountability

Resource Library: meditations, visualizations, eFT tapping, Nervous system regulation practices & MORE

you will also gain access to 17 recordings of previous implementation calls to give you time to actually DO the work because DOING the work is how you get your transformation!

I am so ready for this!

Here’s what people have to say about working with me

Got questions? I’ve got your answers!

I am SO glad you asked! Having been a part of several coaching containers myself, it was SO EASY for me to create a program that I felt confident could deliver REAL results. I got rid of all of the parts of coaching containers that I hated and didn’t work and focused SOLELY on the parts that actually do result in real change. What I found? ACCOUNTABILITY. This is why, in REKINDLE, I have made time to have, not only a weekly pre-recorded Q&A to go over any questions from that weeks module, but I have also added weekly implementation call replays where we will actually DO the things I am teaching you about in the modules TOGETHER. REKINDLE is truly a one-of-a-kind program!

I am a mindset coach and registered psychotherapist with a Masters Degree in counselling psychology and a Bachelor's degree with a specialization in psychology. I hold certifications in several therapeutic modalities (such as IFS, ACT, and EFT) and I have taken a TON personal development, business, mindset, and manifestation courses. I have worked 1:1 with therapists and coaches and have experienced what being in a group coaching container is like.You could say investing in myself has become second nature for me ;) I often refer to myself as a student of life and my desire to expand my knowledge is ongoing. I am constantly nourishing my skills in order to deliver the highest results for my clients. I don’t just talk the talk - I walk the walk. I do this inner work every day and can teach you how to make it sustainable for you too.

If my credentials haven’t spoken for themselves, then I want you to be reassured that I know I can help because I have not only done this for myself, but I have done this for myself and stayed consistent with it, which is why I have made it my life’s purpose to help clients achieve similar results. Head on over to my about page if you want to read more about my own journey and why I may even be OVER qualified to support you on this journey!

This program is for you if you are DONE playing small and staying STUCK. You’re ready to actually invest in yourself and in doing so, change your life. You have tried everything under the sun to no avail and you crave feeling a deeper connection to yourself. You want to speak kinder to yourself and you want to be able to actually trust yourself when you say you’re going to do something. No more “I’ll start tomorrow” only to let tomorrow come and go. You are ready for real change now. 

This program is NOT for you if you are not ready to take personal responsibility for yourself and your life. Part of joining REKINDLE means giving yourself permission to be called out and make changes accordingly and anyone in a victim mindset probably won’t thrive in this container. This program is not for you if you don’t feel genuinely and intuitively called to join. Sit with yourself and ask your intuition what it feels pulled toward. If you’re not sure what that looks like, feel free to email me or DM me on IG and we can chat. 

In a sense… yes - I will guide you while you make changes that can ultimately lead you to be successful on your self-love and healing journey. However, everyone’s healing journey looks different, and me telling you exactly what to do isn’t what will get you sustainable results. You actually doing the deep inner work is what will get you your results and there has to be some commitment on your end. You have to both want to do the work and be willing to do the work when you don’t want to, even on the hard days because YES there will definitely be hard days. Lucky for you, I will be there to support you on those days!

Life is busy - I totally understand. Here’s a glimpse of what it looks like to be lovingly called out by me. The way we choose to spend our time is how we determine what our priorities are. This program is not for you if you are not willing to MAKE time every day to do this work on yourself. Some days that will look like 5 minutes and some days that will look like 1-2 hours. But every day you will be required to invest time into implementing the changes we outline in the program. And guess what? This is what you WANT isn’t it? You WANT to feel different and live a different life than you currently are. Isn’t that why you’re here reading this in the first place?

If you are someone who feels like you don’t have the time to commit to yourself and you’ve found yourself here, reading this question on my FAQ page, this is not by accident. Joining REKINDLE might be exactly what you need in order to start shifting some of your priorities so you can FINALLY start making time for yourself and your healing. 

Of course it is possible to do this deep inner work on your own. But I can assure you, it is much easier - and a LOT more fun - to have someone in your corner to hold you accountable and provide support, especially during moments when you might doubt your abilities and those pesky habits you're trying to shift sneak their way back into your life. Not to mention, working with someone, totally speeds up the timeline! Yep, that means you get to start feeling better, SOONER. 

Although there were aspects of my own healing journey that I went through alone, I can say with certainty that it was through working with professionals, particularly those who were living a life similar to the one that I desired, where I had the most transformation. I am here to be that person for you! It is much more difficult to make real change with tangible results that LAST on our own since we are the ones that are often very much in our own heads (and in our own way… oops). Working with a coach who can offer different perspectives and call you out where you need it is one of the most valuable aspects of hiring a coach. 

I would argue that you would be investing in the greatest thing you'll ever invest in: yourself and your future! Most people who want to make real changes in their lives tend to focus on what they ‘have to give up’ in order to get the results they desire instead of focusing on what they will be GAINING by taking this leap making the necessary changes. But I know you aren’t most people. 

My question to you is: what is the cost of being in the same place you are right now a year from today? Compare that to diving into REKINDLE right now where you can be in a better place just 9 weeks from now… I’ll let you decide which outcome you want to explore. 

Making an investment and having some buy-in is often the step that is missed when people want to make real change in their lives. Once you have made a real investment, you will value this more and you are more likely to actually show up for yourself (instead of listening to yet another podcast episode and learning about how to show up for yourself without actually… you know… showing up for yourself). It’s one thing to learn how to do something, it’s another thing to actually DO it. I’ve structured REKINDLE so that there is a lot of time to actually DO. It’s time to start taking your self-love and healing seriously!

REKINDLE is a one time payment of $666 CAD at time of enrollment. If you have any questions about payment, send me a DM on instagram.

At this time, zoë magnetic does not offer a refund policy due to the nature of REKINDLE, however, I can guarantee that you will see results if you make the time to show up for yourself, and especially if you take advantage of the implementation hours for additional support and accountability! 

I’m so excited you’ll be joining! You can join REKINDLE by clicking the link HERE and submitting payment. After that, you will get some emails from me welcoming you to the program, explaining next steps, and more. 

If you have any further questions, you can always reach out to me by sending me a DM on Instagram