Maybe in this moment you’re unsure where to start and don’t know what needs to change in order to become the woman you dream of being who lives the life you dream of living. Or maybe you do know what’s needed and required of you but there’s an intimidating gap between knowing and actually doing.
As someone who has previously struggled with self-love and confidence, all I wanted was to get to the place where I felt secure enough to speak up when I had something to say, had the confidence to be my naturally silly and weird self, and say no to things that really drained me or that I knew would leave my tank on empty.
If you are feeling this way, I can assure you that you are not alone. At times, it might feel like you have lost control of yourself or that you are simply an observer to your life who wakes up, goes through the day-to-day, heads to bed and repeats that on an endless loop.
For many years, I shuffled around from restaurant jobs to retail jobs to finance jobs that I hated. I let thoughts like “I’m not doing enough” or the classic “I am a failure” rule my mind and behaviours, and in my head, it was totally normal to let people walk all over me. This way of thinking and living was attracting all of the wrong things - and no wonder! I was a MAGNET to ickiness.